Tell us about Studio Knoga and why your business values sustainability.
“Creating products that are as kind to your skin as the planet.”
Studio Knoga’s foundation is the fusion of knitwear and yoga, but has since expanded into the luxury, sustainable and ethical brand it is today. With a focus on restoration and wellness, Studio Knoga only uses the most premium, luxury Italian yarns that all follow strict certification guidelines. Where, how and who produces the fibres we ultimately adorn our bodies with is absolutely fundamental and the very basis of Studio Knoga, from GOTS (global organic textile standard), SFC (sustainably farmed certified), RWS (responsible wool standards) to HIGG index (ensuring the protection and wellbeing of textile workers) we ensure your peace of mind when commissioning your bespoke knitwear.
Every piece is hand-knitted on a vintage industrial manually powered knitting machine, championing a slow and kind manufacture, returning to a long forgotten way of life. Infused with loving energy, the way of Knoga is centred around community and collaboration - we discuss your desired fibres, feeling the drape, softness, warmth of each yarn, deciding on your colour palette, discussing how colours make you feel, what tones are you drawn to, what mood would you like to evoke when dressing for your day, your practice or your mat, we take your measurements and discuss design possibilities to co-create your unique knitted piece.

How has your brand become more sustainable?
There aren’t endless piles of clothing awaiting their summoning in a stock room, we believe the future of how we wear our clothes is ironically based in the past. Let’s work towards a future landscape where we return to made to order and individual approaches to the way our clothes and products are made.
Using TishWish as our packaging was something that was implemented from the beginning as we knew we didn’t want to add more waste when customers purchased from our brand. Their design service is super easy to use and the quality and feel of the final product is amazing - who’d have thought all made from compostable corn! Thank you TishWish for providing a service that small businesses can use from the get-go!
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